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January 04, 2008


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That is such a cool store...I've been to the one in New Hope, PA years ago and I just loved it (I don't know if it is still there). That store in Manhattan looks much bigger, though. I'm definitely going to have to add it to my lists of places to visit next time I'm in New York! Thanks for the pictures.

dana in KC

Thanks for that link---what a neat spot that must be! I enjoyed looking at their web site and drooling over the great selection of dishes, glasses, etc.. Happy New Year!

julie (jane's apron)

oh. my. goodness. these are terribly tempting pictures for a dish addict like me! a whole section of vintage china?!

Connie W

Oh my, what a temptation that store is. I have a weakness for dishes and if I had the budget and the space, I could be a dish-a-holic. They have so many neat things.


Hi love your blog and i want to come to a t-party!!. Love all the cakes and china XXXX

Forgjengelige ting

O dear! so much to see and enjoy!! I would have spent ages in that store!!


Akkk I have a huge china weakness‘, I would want to start form scratch too. Such temptations !!!! Clarice

the farmers wife

Darn...darn...darn...darn it! I'm half a continent away. I could certainly get into some major trouble at that store. I checked out the website and the only location I could find was in New York. Nothing in Chicago?


Oh, that place looks like heaven! LOL! :o)

Cece Marie

You didn't buy a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g! Wow, what willpower. I'm excited to check out their website, looks like a fabulous store!


Here's what I need you to do: tell my husband about this place. He will immediately send them a notice to bar me from entering so I don't take out a second mortgage to buy all those incredible dishes. Thanks!

Susan at Black Eyed Susans Kitchen

Such eye candy for a dish-a-holic!

paula luckhurst

So pleasent.

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