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January 01, 2008


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Happy New Year wishes, this will be a year of change and blessings !!!!! Clarice


Happy New Year Susan! All the best to you and TParty Place in 2008.


Happy new year susan! I'm hoping you find the perfect spot for your shop in the coming year! I'm amazed at how much our lives are alike. 2008, i will also turn 50. My youngest will enter college, and hubby and i will celebrate 30 years of marriage :)Rosemary


Happy New Year Susan, may 2008 open many doors for you and offer many blessings!

I will be sending your 200th post package out this weekend,so be looking for it next week :)


Happy New Year! And, wow, 2008 will be quite a year for you. I was just telling my dear husband about the T-Cozy and how much I need to visit you in your beautiful store and tea shop. I know that another opportunity will present itself for you and your partner at an equally perfect location so I will look forward to that "something new" in 2008.
Thank you for the JT quote. I received his latest CD for Christmas and also love his music. And, that line always brings a tear to my eye. (Even with two little munchkins climbing all over me waiting for their computer "turn.")

Leigh Ann

It is a lovely ride and one you seem to be enjoying. 2008 sounds like an exciting year for you. I wish you all the best.

Cheers! la

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