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May 05, 2008


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Linda Rose

What a wonderful Tea Party with their dolls! Wonderful memories in the making....

We all agree - T Party does "rule".


How cute! It looks like they were enjoying themselves a great deal!

Steph W

Well, someone is raining them right!

Steph W

That should have been "raising" - blush.

Planet Claire

Totally love your site! Light aqua and red is a real weakness for me.

I'm so glad I found your swell site and hope you can come and visit mine at http://planetclairedeluxe.blogspot.com/

Even though I'm just getting started on my blog I hope to get more pix of my own kitsch cottage posted soon.

Thanks for being here. With all the beautiful pink cottage kitchens out there it's so nice to know I'm not alone in my love of aqua & red! Swell!

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