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June 10, 2008


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All soooo pretty. I especially love the first basket !!! Clarice


I LOVE the one in your office! I have some pretty trash cans too! LOL! Funny the things that make us happy :)
Ugh, whats up with computers? Somethings wrong with this one, i keep getting kicked off, and my other one needs a new monitor :( Good luck with getting yours fixed!


These wastebaskets bring back good memories, my mom had several around our house while I was growing up. They are pieces of art!

Sorry to hear about your computer!


Oh Susan it brings back memories
of my own
I love the colors.That
is something that I didn't even
thank of looking for when I am out
Fingers cross for your computer.
My birthday is the end of this month


Those are gorgeous waste bins! I'll have to copy you and start keeping my eyes out for such charming vintage waste baskets!

elizabeth holcombe

What wonderful trash cans! Love the pink hydrangea one! Hope your computer woes are fixed!~~~XXOO, Beth

Mica ( Garb-oodles Soup)

I LOVE the top can... can I have it? J/K... i have been lurking for a while never seem to have time running around leaving comments as I like... I love all the new things you have done for your space... I am here reading it all !!! Hugs your way, Mica


LOVE the flowers on black! How cool to chuck your sweet wrappers and apple cores into that! Sorry to hear about your Mac. I do hope the man can retrieve your data. I lost everything earlier this year. Not just because of the computer crash - but because the back up had been failing for months and I didn't know! DOH! How dim am I?! Good luck! x


Cute Cans! :-) I am sorry about your computer. Ours is ancient, but we added an external hard drive over a year ago when we started collecting a million grand daughter photos and my hard drive started to slooooooow down. Now that I am blogging and always snapping a shot or fifty, I am really rackying up the pictures. I need to spend some time and hit the "delete" button. Good luck with your computer!


I never thought of collecting trash cans. They are beautiful. Good luck with your computer and it's hard drive.


lol. I'm a trash collector, too. I have a robin's egg blue/floral and a pink tole floral (this was a very happy & rare find at a thrift store & something I hoped to find as it matches my kleenex holder)...yep, I now have a kleenex holder collection, too!
Your black floral can matches my metal serving tray (I collect these, too). I believe I must have vintage dime-store in mind as that seems to be what I am drawn too - I have fond memories of our long gone Ben Franklin's 5 and 10.


Such pretty trash cans. That's what I love about collecting. Who wants to go to Bed,Bath & Beyond to by something that everybody else has! I love to take these old beauties and put them to modern use. xo, suzy

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