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June 01, 2009


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OMG!! That Hoosier is fab!! Your small treasures are just great!


Lucky! As much as I love where I live, we don't have a single flea market anywhere close by. I have to drive to DC for the Big Flea when I can. What a perfectly lovely morning too. xo, suzy

Kim G.

Boy that does look like fun! Love the flower pots!

Carol @ Old Glory Cottage

Oh, you found some great things! Love all the scottie stuff, and the McCoy pots, and that metal picnic basket. Looks like you had a beautiful day!

black eyed susans kitchen

Funny, we both spent a day this weekend at flea markets. I will have to take a picture of my red shopping cart for you. I really like your green one though. You found some wonderful vintage goodness there.
♥, Susan

Mom Wald's Place

Thanks for sharing your treasures! I haven't been around for a bit, and when I looked back there was a party. How fun!


I'm jealous that you live so close! I'm hoping to make it over some time later this summer. In my case that involves staying overnight but I'm sure there's lots more to do in the area :)


Hi Susan,
There is nothing like a New England flea market. All the very best finds there. I miss my Maine flea markets and vintage shops.
That hoosier was great! You did very well. Can't wait to see some of the items in your etsy etc.


This is a lovely flea market. We don't get these at all around the area I live in :( I can only occasionally get some worthy thrifted things at the second hand stores... Thanks for dropping by!

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