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August 30, 2009


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congrats on the summer job.... isn't summer almost over though? what a fun place to work. i love going to anthro just for the inspiration. have fun!

sorry if this is tacky but can you share the discount... i used to work at a retail store (not anthro) and it was 30% .. can you tell me if it is better, same or lower than that?

black eyed susans kitchen

We have an Anthropologie right near us, and for me, that might be a dangerous job...I would probably spend more than I make. They will be opening an Urban Outfitters here in the fall, and I might just give that a try. I also miss the interaction with customers.
♥, Susan


Good for you, Susan. I've always wanted to work retail again-haven't since college-and my friends have all discouraged me. You go, girl.


Oh What fun! Glad you enjoyed it!
Hugs, Lisa


Im the same Susan, I miss the people ,the company, and am looking for something a couple of days a week, just to be out there in the real world occasionally!
What a great shop to be working in, though i would probably spend any earnings i made!

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