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May 23, 2011


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black eyed susans kitchen

So amazing and so inspiring...love the kitty beds!


AWESOME UPCYCLING SUSAN!!! I love to see other people's imaginations at work.

Juju at Tales of Whimsy...

Such fun. Mr. Whimsy and I do allot of this kind of stuff.

Carol @ Old Glory Cottage

LOVE the kitty bunk beds!


I'm thrilled to be featured on your blog Susan! What fun treasures you have featured. I especially love the kitty bunk beds. Too cute!


Great collection, Susan. Such creativity! Whimsy! And Fun-ctional too!


This is great! Susan, thanks for featuring our upcycled lights! We just read your bio here and we were so inspired! We'll be following you, for sure. Thanks again! -BootNGus =^..^=

Cindy-The Vintage Hat Shop

What great finds! As a book lover I was impressed with the purse/book. A gift for librarian friends!


I love the KITTY BUNK beds!! There great. My cats will stay in this bed 4Ever.

Greetzzz from the Netherland,



San Antonio Water Softener

You're an inspiration of those who are eager to do the same like yours. Making the least materials into an extraordinary. These are amazing crafts. I love it!

Progress Lighting

As you say, what you did was very clever. What impress me most is the Kicked Can Clock. Looks vintage. From a trash, it is really clever.

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