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February 17, 2012


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Gina @ Vintagejunkinmytrunk

I love your studio space. Great colors too!

Musings from Kim K.

Truly inspiring. A beautiful oasis. I've been taking all your special details. I especially love the Asian umbrella.


Susan you have inspired me to fly all the way up north to your cute studio and swipe that beautiful cherry tablecloth. Oh yeah I don't fly, my legs are not long enough....hmmm, well lucky you.
Just kidding, I love your studio and I can see where you could get inspired to do anything there. I can't wait to see more.


I NEVER get enough of your beautiful creative space. xo, suzy


I have loved your studio space and feel the creativity you've put into it and can get from sitting in it. You've inspired me to find new uses for old collectibles throughout my home! Love the colors also- my favorites.

ASK trægulv

Wow! This is very impressive. Love the stylish design of your house. Congrats!

San Antonio Conventions

The interior of the house is very impressive. I wish I could have this one,too.

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