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December 22, 2012


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What a neat and crafty project. That makes a great conversation piece for any room.
Love it Susan!

Susan Freeman

Love it Susan! I have a vintage globe just like yours and now I will be looking for the perfect images to add too. You have such cute things in your booth.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

basket nike shox

Fun Earth ,hah

table bases

Wow. Beautiful! It is so inspiring to see other people who upcycle and craft. I love taking old objects and transforming them into something new and beautiful. In my most recent project, I took a old cigar case and transformed it into a standing display case using a table base, paints, sand paper, various papers, and Mod Podge. I plan to take it to my craft shows to show off my handmade jewelry. Do you do any craft shows or Etsy? Your work is lovely, and I know I'd love to buy some of it. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.


Susan I saw this on Pinterest and just had to repin it on my board! So awesome and such a good use of an old item. I wish globes were more plentiful that what they are. Thank you for sharing this project. Your web site is awesome!

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