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January 29, 2014


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Louise Houghton

It is all looking just wonderful, Susan. Loving the light shades!x


Wonderful news, Susan! You must be so excited!



Now that is a kitchen I could get excited about!
I love it.


WOW! I love it!!! I know you are so excited and glad to have a real sink to wash dishes in...LOL. You will love the quartz, that is what I have on my island and I love it. Really easy to take care of. I love your lighting, the way you thought of what era you were working with. My hubby is a retired electrician and he had to take a look at them too. It all is looking so good. I can't wait to see how you decorate it.


Looks great Susan. You and your family will enjoy your "new" home so much. But you already know that! I think expanding and updating our kitchen in NJ (years ago) was the most satisfying project we ever did.


This is the perfect, and I mean Perfect, kitchen. You are living the dream, girl.


What color quartz did you select. In the picture it looks like a charcoal color.

Thank you much.

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