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April 18, 2014


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I was just blogging last night about why people collect what they do. This is a charming story and an adorable string holder. So cute!


I have a wooden plaque that has a rough outline of a cat carved into it. I found it at a yard sale and the paper on the back explains that it represents a sign hobos would leave to show a kind hearted woman lived here. What a sweet story! I wonder if we would be too fearful today to offer a stranger some help...I don't think we are less compassionate, I think we have become too afraid, which is sad, isn't it? Love the story and appreciate how items bring back a flood of memories.


What a sweet heartwarming story. That is why when I add to my collections I treat all my collectibles with respect. I know they were someone's grandmother's. That is
the cutest string holder. I bet a lot of string was run through his mouth. Thanks to Suzanne for sharing and thanks to Susan for passing it on.

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