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December 15, 2014


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Kristy L.

I love it! You are so lucky to find cute cottage things like that. And somehow it never looks cluttered when you add things to your collections! Great decorating, Susan.

T-Party Antiques

Kristy~ Thanks! :)


Too cute Susan! It was meant to be, right there on your wall in that really awesome studio. There you go with that wonderful eye again. 👀

T-Party Antiques

Elsie~ Thanks for your kind words!!!


That is so darn cute! I love anything vintage house/cottage related, but so far I haven't had any luck finding stitchery. Which reminds me I have yet to start the cross stitch I bought from you a few years ago..that'll start my collection. :)
I love the photo of your house with the snow. Did I mention I'm obsessed with houses that come from an earlier era? Especially those that look like the models for 1940s/50s Christmas cards.

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