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July 16, 2018


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What a whimsicle space you have, I absolutely love it! You and I could NOT go thrift shopping together, since our tastes are very similar which is one of the reasons I've followed your blog for a long time. Thanks for sharing and for inspiring me to create a space for myself.


Thanks Susan! Always lovely to hear from you!

Becky @ EP

Your lovely room is making the whole world smile now! (Well at least those of us lucky enough to find it!) Thank you for sharing!


Becky ~ Thank you for your kind words! They are much appreciated.

Merry Junn

Loved seeing your room, I have some of those same items in my room. I found the vintage table hieght is perfect for a cutting table. I was able to get an "l" shaped office desk setup that is perfect for my 3 machines server embroidery sewing

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