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June 03, 2008


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Heather C

Oh, I would just love a chair or two, and um, everything else!
I hope you make loads of money of the sale!


I would love to purchse some of your silver trays. I live in canda but I am willing to pay for the shipping. I have been following your blog for so long but I never comment on any blog- i am very shy:(. I have loved your blog from the first day and I would love to purchase something to show my appreciation and support and also as a farewell. Can you please e-mail me to let me know if I can purchase the trays and the price. Also, if you will be selling what will be lft from the sale on your website?


Oh, Susan, what bittersweet photos! So beautiful, yet so sad that you are closing. However, it sounds like your years running the tea shop were wonderful ones that you'll always remember--and your patrons will always remember them, too.


Akkkkk, I wish I could have been at that sale !!!!! Clarice


I am so sad to see you go. I had been having computer problems lately and had not seen that you were unable to find a new home for you guys. I wish I lived closer, you have such lovely serving peices. I would have loved to have purchased some. Good luck and God bless everything else you do.

susans at black eyed susans kitchen

Susan, I suppose this is what life is all about. It is bittersweet. I am looking forward to what you do next. If you have the energy and time, could you put a few of the mementos up for sale on Kitsh Encounter? Susan


I agree with everyone else. I love the little Bee House teapots, the trays and the chairs.

If you do decide to post some for sale I don't think there will be a shortage of interested buyers.

Hope you get a chance to put your feet up today and relax for a bit. You've certainly earned it.

Roxie Meiske

I called today leaving a number with the kind lady who answered the phone. I really want to buy one of those nice serving pieces for Meredith of Like Merchant's Ships. She was very kind to me in Jan. and it is time I return the favor. Please send me an e-mail or call me and I will pay for the serving piece, shipping, and a service fee to you for your time. Thanks Roxie


Susan, oh how I wished I lived closer...would love to buy a teapot or two. Is is possible you'd have any left after your sale? Love the trays, chairs and all, wished I could have had tea in your most unique T-Pary tearoom too.

Good luck with your next endeavor, whatever that may be.


WOW!!! I would LOVE to be in line, clammering to grab some of your terrific wares. I am partial to the tiered aluminum serving trays--especially if they were Rodney Kent designs. Good luck with the rest of your sales.


I would love to have one of the pink or turquoise teapots in the second picture. I live in Arkansas and would send a check or money order. My email is [email protected]. Your blog is so cute. Thanks!

Cece Marie

I'm so jealous! I want to shop too!


I, like the other commenters, would love to purchase some of your beautiful pieces. Will you put any up for sale online? Or can we contact you directly? Many thanks! (oh, I came byway of Meredith at Like Merchant Ships)

Roxie Meiske

The tea-pot came in today's mail. Thank you so much. You are very kind. I really appreciate it. I hope Meredith likes her 'gift' too. I am sure she will. Roxie


Aahh I'm sure they will all love their new treasures and remember The T-Party with fond memories.
Love Alison x

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